Engineering Science
Application Areas
Design Automation
Heuristic Optimization
Machine Learning
Generative Design
Machine Design
Design for Manufacturing
Complex Systems
Wind Energy Systems
Wave Energy Converters
Green Hydrogen Systems
Distribution-Scale Electricity
Alternative Fuels
Published Papers
Journal Papers
Understanding the Uncertainty in the Technical Performance Level Assessment for Wave Energy. Trueworthy, Ali; Aeron Roach, Bryony DuPont, Thomas Mathai, Jesse Roberts, Jochem Weber, Robert Preus, and Benjamin D. Maurer. Renewable Energy. Under Review.
Transforming Transitions: The Energy Futures of Community-Driven Design. Trueworthy, Ali; Molly Grear, and Bryony DuPont. Renewable Energy. Under Review.
Who will be making wave (energy)? A community-driven design approach toward just, sustainable energy futures in Sitka, Alaska. Trueworthy, Ali; Alexandra McCarrel, Jake Wieliczkiewicz, Shannon Cellan, Willoughby Peterson, Slater Anderson, Bryony DuPont, and Molly Grear. Energy Research and Social Science.
Temporal upsampling of wave parameters and impact on time-domain  oating body response and wave power. Mankle, Hannah; Paul Branson, Bryony DuPont, and Bryson Robertson. 2023. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy. 9:789–804.
Uncovering human errors associated with system-user interactions using Functional Modeling (Soria-Zurita, Nicolas, Melissa Tensa, Vincenzo Ferrero, Bryony DuPont, Irem Tumer, Rob Stone, and Onan Demirel). 2022. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. Aug 2022, 144(8): 081401
Classifying Component Function in Product Assemblies with Graph Neural Networks. (Ferrero, Vincenzo, Bryony DuPont, Kaveh Hassani, Daniele Grandi) 2021. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design 144(2): 021406.
A Survey of Multi-objective Optimization Methods and their Applications for Nuclear Scientists and Engineers. (Stewart, Ryan, Bryony DuPont, Todd Palmer) 2021. Progress in Nuclear Energy Volume 138, 2021, 103830,
Hull Geometry Optimisation of Wave Energy Converters: On the Choice of the Objective Functions and the Optimisation Formulation. (Garcia-Teruel, Anna, Bryony DuPont, David I.M. Forehand.) 2021. Applied Energy Volume 298, 117153.
Exploring the Effectiveness of Providing Structured DfE Design Strategies During Conceptual Design. (Ross, Donovan, Vincenzo Ferrero, and Bryony DuPont). 2021. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design 144(3): 032001.
Reliability-Based Layout Optimization in Offshore Wind Energy Systems. (Clark, Caitlyn E., Garrett Barter, Kelsey Shaler, and Bryony DuPont). 2021.Wind Energy 2021;1–24.
Optimizing Shared Mooring and Anchor Strength for Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Arrays. (Devin, Michael, Spencer Hallowell, Sanjay Arwade, and Bryony DuPont). 2021. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems 7(4): 040905.
Array modeling and testing of fixed OWC type Wave Energy Converters. (Bosma, Bret, Brekken, Lomonaco, DuPont, Sharp, and Batten. 2020. International Marine Energy Journal 3(3), 137-143.
The Wave Energy Converter Design Process: Methods Applied in Industry and Shortcomings of Current Practices (Trueworthy and DuPont). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2020, 8(11), 932;
Hull geometry optimisation of wave energy converters: On the choice of the optimisation algorithm and the geometry definition (Garcia-Teruel, DuPont, and Forehand). Applied Energy Volume 280, 2020, 115952.
Validating the Sustainability of Eco-Labeled Products Using a Triple-Bottom-Line Analysis (Ferrero, Raman Shankar, Haapala, and DuPont; Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems 3: 31–52)
An Analytical Cost Model for Co-Located Floating Wind-Wave Energy Arrays (Clark, Miller, and DuPont; Renewable Energy 132: 885–97.)
A Questionnaire-Based Methodology to Assist Non-Experts in Selecting Sustainable Engineering Analysis Methods and Software Tools (Raoufi, Wisthoff, DuPont, and Haapala; Journal of Cleaner Production 229:528–41.)
Reliability-Based Design Optimization in Offshore Renewable Energy Systems (Clark and DuPont; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 97 June: 390–400)
Wave Energy Converter Array Optimization: A Genetic Algorithm Approach and Minimum Separation Distance Study (Sharp and DuPont; Ocean Engineering 163:148–56.)
Active Mission Success Estimation through Functional Modeling (Short, Hodge, Van Bossuyt, & DuPont; Research in Engineering Design)
An optimization framework for decision making in large, collaborative energy supply systems (DuPont et al., ASME Journal of Energy Resources and Technology)
A Hybrid Extended Pattern Search/Genetic Algorithm for Multi-stage Wind Farm Optimization (DuPont & Cagan, Optimization and Engineering)
An advanced modeling system for optimization of wind farm layout and wind turbine sizing using a multi-level extended pattern search algorithm (DuPont, Cagan, and Moriarty, Energy)
New perspectives on design automation: Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the ASME Design Automation Conference (Ilies et al., ASME Journal of Mechanical Design)
An Extended Pattern Search Approach to Wind Farm Layout Optimization (DuPont & Cagan, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design)
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
​Liang, ZhiYi; Bryony DuPont, and AmosWinter. 2024. “Techno-Economic Outlooks for the Operation of Zero-Emission Heavy-Duty Trucks: Their Implications on Fleet Operators, Cargo Shippers, and Vehicle Designers." ASME International Design Engineering and Technical Conferences/Computers in Engineering Conference.
Trueworthy, Ali; Aeron Roach, Jesse Roberts, JochemWeber, Ben Maurer, Bryony DuPont, Thomas Mathai, Robert Preus. 2023. “Understanding the Uncertainty in the Technical Performance Level Assessment forWave Energy." University Marine Energy Research Collaboration Annual Conference. 4-6 OCT. Durham, NH, USA.
Trueworthy, Ali, Bryony DuPont, Molly Grear. 2023. “Transforming Transitions: The Energy Futures of Community-Driven Design." University Marine Energy Research Collaboration Annual Conference. 4-6 OCT. Durham, NH, USA.
Mankle, Hannah, Bryony DuPont, Bryson Robertson. 2023. “Upsampling wave temporal resolution: Investigating wave parameters and the in uence on WEC power performance." EuropeanWave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) 3-7 SEP. Bilbao, Spain.
Roach, Aeron, Moira Meek, Raza Syed-Muhammad Ali, Bryson Robertson, Bryony DuPont. 2023. “An Early Design Phase Method for Characterizing and ComparingWave Energy Converter Archetypes." EuropeanWave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) 3-7 SEP. Bilbao, Spain.
Theorizing a 100% Wind Scenario for Powering the US Eastern Interconnect: Feasibility, System Design, and Lessons for a Higher-Wind-Penetration Future. (Feltis, Michael, Rebecca Wolf, William Newberry, Megan Jenney, Aloysius Udenweze, and Bryony DuPont). 2022. ASME International Offshore Wind Technical Conference. 6–8 DEC. Boston, MA, USA.
Increasing Efficiency and Power Density of Floating Offshore Wind Platforms: Assessing the Viability of Gyroscopic Stabilization and Wave Energy Converters. (Toland, Talia, Gabriel Emunah, and Bryony DuPont). 2022. ASME International Offshore Wind Technical Conference. 6–8 DEC. Boston, MA, USA.
Single-tendon Point Absorber Sensitivity Study: Investigating the difference between time-domain and frequency domain modeling. (Mankle, Hannah, Tim Mundon, and Bryony DuPont). 2021. European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) 16–20 AUG. Plymouth, UK.
Marine energy in a changing climate: How our relationship with climate change impacts the devices we design. (Trueworthy, Ali and Bryony DuPont). 2021. European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) 16–20 AUG. Plymouth, UK.
Design requirements, assessment methods and potential pathways for moving between grid-scale and emerging market WEC design. (Trueworthy, Ali, Aeron Roach, Ben Maurer, and Bryony DuPont). 2021. European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) 16–20 AUG. Plymouth, UK.
A conceptual design tool for the blue economy and high-performance wave energy converters. (Roach, Aeron, Ali Trueworthy, and Bryony DuPont). 2021. European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) 16–20 AUG. Plymouth, UK.
Optimizing a Structurally Flexible Wave Energy Converter. (Berrier, Austin and Bryony DuPont). 2021. European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) 16–20 AUG. Plymouth, UK.
A Probabilistic Approach for Estimating the Environmental Impact of Novel Product Concepts. (Ferrero, Vincenzo, Chris Hoyle, and Bryony DuPont). 2021. International Design Engineering and Technical Conferences/Computers in Engineering Conference 16–20 AUG. Virtual.
A Study of Graphical Representations of Uncertainty in LCA Guide. (Tensa, Melissa, Jenna Wang, Roscoe Harris III, Jeremy Faludi, and Bryony DuPont) 2021. International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED). 16–20 AUG. Gothenburg, Sweden.
Data Mining a Design Repository to Generate Linear Functional Chains (Katherine Edmonds, Alex Mikes, Bryony DuPont, and Robert Stone; Design Computing and Cognition Conference (DCC); 14-16 DEC, Atlanta, GA, USA)
Optimizing Shared Mooring and Anchoring Strength for Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Arrays (Michael Devin, Bryony DuPont, Spencer Hallowell, and Sanjay Arwade; ASME International Offshore Wind Technologies Conference; 18-21 OCT, Boston, MA USA)
A Weighted Confidence Metric to Improve Automated Functional Modeling (Katherine Edmonds, Alex Mikes, Bryony DuPont, and Robert Stone; ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; 17-19 AUG, St Louis, MO, USA)
Using Decision Trees Supported by Data Mining to Improve Function-Based Design (Vincenzo Ferrero, Naser Alqseer, Melissa Tensa, and Bryony DuPont; ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; 17-19 AUG, St Louis, MO, USA)
Optimizing an Algorithm for Data Mining a Design Repository to Automate Functional Modeling (Alex Mikes, Katherine Edmonds, Bryony DuPont, and Robert Stone; ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; 17-19 AUG, St Louis, MO, USA)
Array Modeling and Testing of Fixed OWC Type Wave Energy Converters (Bret Bosma, Ted Brekken, Pedro Lomonaco, Bryony DuPont, Chris Sharp, and Belinda Batten; European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 1-6 SEP, Naples, Italy)
Towards Reliability-Based Geometry Optimization of a Point-Absorber with PTO Reliability Objectives (Caitlyn Clark, Anna Garcia-Teruel, Bryony DuPont, and David Forehand; European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 1-6 SEP, Naples, Italy)
WEC-Sim Array Development and Experimental Comparison Study (Hannah Mankle, Yi-Hsiang Yu, and Bryony DuPont; European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 1-6 SEP, Naples, Italy)
A Set-Based Design Approach for the Design of High-Performance Wave Energy Converters (Ali Trueworthy, Bryony DuPont, Benjamin Maurer, and Robert J. Cavagnaro; European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 1-6 SEP, Naples, Italy)
Exploring the Effectiveness of Providing Structured DfE Design Strategies during Conceptual Design (Donovan Ross, Vincenzo Ferrero, and Bryony DuPont; ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; 18-21 AUG, Anaheim, CA, USA)
An Association Rule Approach for Identifying Physical System-User Interactions and Potential Human Error Using a Design Repository (Nicolas Soria Zurita, Melissa Tensa, Vincenzo Ferrero, Robert Stone, Bryony DuPont, H. Onan Demirel, and Irem Y. Tumer; ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; 18-21 AUG, Anaheim, CA, USA)
Toward Automated Functional Modeling: An Association Rules Approach for Mining the Relationship between Product Components and Function (Melissa Tensa, Katherine Edmonds, Vincenzo Ferrero, Alex Mikes, Nicolas Soria Zurita, Robert Stone, and Bryony DuPont; International Conference on Engineering Design, 5-8 AUG, Delft, The Netherlands)
Comparing Machine Learning Regression Techniques for Transmission-Related Outages on the Oregon Coast (Caitlyn Clark and Bryony DuPont; ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; 26-29 AUG, Quebec City, QC, Canada)
Assessing the Impact of Product Use Variation on Environmental Sustainability (Melissa Tensa, Vincenzo Ferrero, Donovan Ross, and Bryony DuPont; ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; 26-29 AUG, Quebec City, QC, Canada)
A Comparison of Tree Search Methods for Graph Topology Design Problems (Ada-Rhodes Short, Bryony DuPont, and Matthew I. Campbell; Design Computing and Cognition Conference, 2-4 JUL, Lake Como, Italy)
Heuristic Optimization Methods Applied to Wave Energy: MiniWEC Float Shape Case Study (Kaylie McTiernan, Ben Maurer, Alberto Aliseda, Brian Fabien, Tim Mundon, and Bryony DuPont; Marine Energy Technology Symposium, 30 APR - 2 MAY, Washington, DC, USA)
Array Design and Device Damping Assignment of Fixed Oscillating Water Columns (Chris Sharp, Bryony DuPont, Bret Bosma, Pedro Lomonaco, and Belinda Batten; Marine Energy Technology Symposium, 30 APR - 2 MAY, Washington, DC, USA)
Characterizing the Use of Heuristic Optimization Methods for Renewable Energy Systems (Chris Sharp, Caitlyn Clark, Annalise Miller, Vincenzo Ferrero, Marine Bentivoglio, Mohamahmehdi Ebrahimi, and Bryony DuPont; AIAA SciTech (Invited Paper), 8-12 JAN, Kissimmee, FL, USA)
Analytical Cost Modeling for Co-Located Wind-Wave Energy Arrays (Caitlyn Clark, Annalise Miller, and Bryony DuPont; European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference; 27 AUG - 2 SEP, Cork, Ireland)
Array Optimization of Fixed Oscillating Water Columns for Active Device Control (Chris Sharp, Bryony DuPont, Bret Bosma, Pedro Lomonaco, and Belinda Batten; European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference; 27 AUG - 2 SEP, Cork, Ireland)
Understanding the Sustainability of Eco-Labeled Products When Compared to Conventional Alternatives (Vincenzo Ferrero, Arvind Shankar Raman, Bryony DuPont, and Karl Haapala; ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; 6-9 AUG, Cleveland, OH, USA)
An Extended Pattern Search Method for Offshore Floating Wind Layout and Turbine Geometry Optimization (Caitlin Forinash and Bryony DuPont; ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; 21-24 AUG, Charlotte, NC, USA)
Quantifying the Impact of Sustainable Product Design Decisions in the Early Design Phase (Addison Wisthoff, Vincenzo Ferrero, Tony Huynh, and Bryony DuPont; ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; 21-24 AUG, Charlotte, NC, USA)
A Multi-Objective Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm Method for Wave Energy Converter Array Optimization (Chris Sharp and Bryony DuPont; International Conference on Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering, 19-24 JUN, Busan, South Korea)
Optimization of Floating Offshore Wind Energy Systems using an Extended Pattern Search Method (Caitlin Forinash and Bryony DuPont; International Conference on Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering, 19-24 JUN, Busan, South Korea)
A Method for Understanding Sustainable Design Trade-Offs During the Early Design Phase (Addison Wisthoff and Bryony DuPont; KES Sustainable Design and Manufacturing Conference, 3-5 APR, Chania, Greece)
Analysis of WEC Array Economics: Current State-of-the-art and Future Needs (Chris Sharp and Bryony DuPont; 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 6-11 SEP, Nantes, France)
Wave Energy Converter Array Optimization - a Review of Current Work and Preliminary Results of a Genetic Algorithm Approach Introducing Cost Factors (Chris Sharp and Bryony DuPont; ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; 2-5 AUG, Boston, MA, USA)
Exploring the Retention of Sustainable Design Principles in Engineering Practice through Design Education (Bryony DuPont and Addison Wisthoff; ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; 2-5 AUG, Boston, MA, USA)
Decision Making for the Collaborative Energy Supply System of Oregon and Washington (Bryony DuPont, Ridwan Azam, Scott Proper, Eduardo Cotilla-Sanchez, Chris Hoyle, Joseph Piacenza, Danylo Oryshchyn, Stephen Zitney, and Stephen Bossart; ASME Power and Energy Conversion Conference, 28 JUN-2 JUL, San Diego, CA, USA)
Automation and Optimization of Engineering Design Team Selection Considering Personality Types and Course-Specific Constraints (Bryony DuPont and Chris Hoyle; American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, 14-17 JUN, Seattle, WA, USA)
Wave Energy Converter Array Design: a Preliminary Study on the Effect of Minimum Separation Distance between Converters (Chris Sharp and Bryony DuPont; 3rd Marine Energy Technology Symposium, 25-27 APR, Washington, DC, USA)
Decision Making for Large-Scale Collaborative Power Systems (Bryony DuPont, Joseph Piacenza, Ridwan Azam, John Wardman, Chris Hoyle, Eduardo Cotilla-Sanchez, Danylo Oryshchyn, and Stephen Bossart; International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management, 15-18 OCT, Virginia Beach, VA, USA)
Robust Optimization of Complex Cyber-Physical Systems (Chris Hoyle, Joseph Piacenza, Bryony DuPont, and Eduardo Cotilla-Sanchez; International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management, 15-18 OCT, Virginia Beach, VA, USA)
Multi-stage Optimization of Wind Farms with Limiting Factors (Bryony DuPont and Jonathan Cagan; ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; 4-7 AUG, Portland, OR, USA)
Optimization of Wind Farm Layout and Wind Turbine Geometry Using a Multi-Level Extended Pattern Search Algorithm that Accounts for Variation in Wind Shear Profile Shape (Bryony DuPont, Jonathan Cagan, and Patrick Moriarty; ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; 12-15 AUG, Chicago, IL, USA)
An Extended Pattern Search Approach to Wind Farm Layout Optimization (Bryony DuPont and Jonathan Cagan; ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; 15-18 AUG, Montreal, QC, Canada)